You can give confidence and dignity to moms in need by helping them provide for their children! Our STAR Motherhood Program provides not only material, but the social and peer support a mother needs to grow in her confidence as both a woman and a mother. This program lasts up to three years, and babies […]
"We create a space, and a safe environment for women to be able to, when they're in crisis, really be relaxed to think, and to say everything that they feel about what they're going through." The Legacy of Life Foundation is a way that people can join together in the community to support the underprivileged […]
Prayer Report: Christie is a single woman who feels that she needs to be more established before raising a child. After her ultrasound, she shared her plans to move forward with an abortion, despite some possible health complications. We pray that she remains connected to our center!
Here we go! Luke 10:38-42 The time of year where the Lord addresses our tendency to be anxious and worried about many things! I love that He gives us the story of Mary and Martha! I think it is the best time of year to hear it - When hopefully we are slowing our lives […]
Praise Report: Maddie is a young mother who came to our center after walking out of her scheduled abortion today, since she learned that she was further along in her pregnancy. After seeing her baby boy and learning more about the abortion procedure, she was excited to share that she had chosen life! Praise God!
Prayer Report: Jessica is a frightened teenager who is seeking an abortion. Although she is open to the idea of adoption, she remained confident that abortion is her best option. We pray that she returns for her ultrasound and chooses life!
“What must I do to inherit eternal life?” “And who is my neighbor?” Questions asked by scholars in Jesus' time to test him and to justify their lack of charity … Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke chapter 10 to answer these questions and says: The neighbor is the robber’s victim! […]
Are you interested in learning more about what the Women's Center does? Did you know that you can take a tour of the center? Tours of our Bristol or Philly centers are available by appointment for groups, clergy, and friends of life! If interested, please click here to register! We look forward to meeting you! […]
Praise Report: Ava came into our center thinking that she wanted to be a parent, but was unsure if she had the financial resources to go forward with her pregnancy. Today she and her boyfriend returned for their ultrasound and were excited to see their child, as well as look forward to becoming parents!
"At the time I was pregnant, I was homeless -- I didn't have a home of my own. And it was hard... It was hard to know that even as much as I loved my baby, I didn't have anywhere to bring my baby home to. I don't know what my life would have […]
Prayer Request: Oaklynn chose life! While she is a young mother who recently immigrated to the country, Oaklynn shared her excitement at welcoming another child! Praise God!
Prayer Request: Kinslee is a college student who is considering another abortion because of her educational goals and financial concerns. Pray she may return for her scheduled ultrasound and be moved by the sight of her child!
Prayer Request: Hollynd is keeping her child! Despite the non-consensual conception of her pregnancy and lacking support from her family, Hollynd shared that she has chosen life! Pray she may remain connected to our center, and continue to receive the support and love needed throughout her pregnancy!