Looking for Peace in all the wrong places!
Do you ever feel locked up in your own body and cannot find peace?
Fear can be paralyzing and you might feel alone in your fears even in a room full of people.
The disciples were afraid.
Their lives were on the line!
The disciples were in crisis together and still felt fear.
They were shut up in a room and unsure of what was going to take place next and what the future would bring - if they were even going to have a future!
Their security was the room with the locked door.
Jesus steps right through that door and into their fear!
Christ offers peace in the middle of chaos!
Peace is found in the presence of Jesus!
The women who come to the women’s center come seeking peace in abortion.
Abortion is the wrong place to find peace!
It is amazing how the presence of Jesus in us breaks through the doors locked shut in the hearts of women in crisis every day.
We pray that the locked doors of our hearts can be opened to the Peace of Christ this Pentecost!
Find Jesus and you found Peace in the right place!
God bless you!